


Kits and plans require full payment (check, credit card or money order) before

Shipment. Orders for all designs may be placed by mail, telephone, email ( or faxed (same #). At times when our backlog requires a delay of more than two months, orders can be placed with a 20% deposit, the balance due three weeks before delivery.


Kits are fairly economical to ship, averaging between 15% and 25% of the kit cost. After placing an order with Shell Boats you will be mailed a confirmation with an approximate shipping date and shipping fee, which must be prepaid. When the appropriate truckline picks up your kit we notify you again (by telephone) with your special “pro” number and arrival date so you can make plans to be around on delivery day. “Tail-gate” delivery assumes that you will have someone at home to help unload the crate. Two people are needed to unload the crate onto saw-horses,trailer or cart.


 Unfinished (per pair):  6’= $105,  7’= $125,  7 1/2’= $135

These are solid spruce - shaped much like the common rowboat oars only a little thinner in the blades and a bit spoon shaped for more efficient rowing. They require a light sanding before finishing. Pinned oarlock horns are included.


The prices for kits and finished boats include white sails. Other colors add $55.00 on boats through 15’;  $75 for those over 15’.